Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Beauty and The Geek (Fiction Story)

Beauty and the Geek

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tom. He was known as the Geek at the school. He always studies all the time and it makes him getting bullied by the other student. He became so stressed. He even tried to kill himself but he cancelled it because he believe that he can change his destiny.  And then, he decided to move to the other school.
After he moved to the new school, he still getting bullied, but this time he tried to be stronger than before and finally he had a new friend. Her name is Cathy. She is the kindest of all student at that school. Honestly, she is the prettiest girl at the school. She is famous, beautiful, and has a lot of friend. But, because she wanted to make a friendship with Tom, she decided to camuflate to be a different person. She changed herself 180◦. She became so ugly even everyone didn’t recognize her. But she always be patient and she became very close with Tom. Tom was feeling so comfortable with her.
One day, Cathy was hangout with her friend to the mall. She was eating at one of the famous restaurant at that mall. At the same time, Tom and his family was eating at that restaurant too. Cathy forgot that she didn’t wear any make up so, she called Tom and he was confused. Cathy was confused too why Tom couldn’t recognize her, she told Tom that she is Cathy and asked him why he couldn’t recognize her. Tom was so shocked to know the real face of Cathy. Cathy was too late to realize that she didn’t wear any make up. She felt really sorry to Tom and she choose to solve that problem tomorrow at school.
The next day, Cathy explained everything to Tom. Tom said that she can leave him but she didn’t want to. And then she finally realized that she didn’t need to be another person if she want to be friend with Tom. After that, Cathy introduced Tom to her friend and because of that, Tom became more friendly and popular than before.

This story is made by group 1. The members of group one are :
1. Reza Pahlevi (XII MIPA 4)
2. Audria Haifa H (X MIPA 1)
3. Priyanka Puteri A (X MIPA 1)
4. M. Hafidh Soni R (X MIPA 1)
5. Vanya Amelinda (X MIPA 2)

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