Minggu, 15 Januari 2017

My Holiday

My Last Holiday

    My family and I filled holiday end of the semester by going to a town on the island of Sumatra, namely Bandar Lampung, Lampung city at the southern tip of Sumatra island went to Lampung to pass two ways: the sea and the air, I went through the air.
     I purpose to Lampung is to visit my grandmother who was sick and vacation my family and I started to get ready from your home to the airport at 7 am I prepared all my needs himself and so did the others prepare the goods respectively.
     Already at the airport when I was with my family rushed to check the tickets and put our luggage for almost any air left behind, fortunately we are up to 15 minutes before boarding our plane ride and it was a small aircraft types ATR.

     After we arrived at the airport we were greeted by a family of my grandmother I was happy when greeted like that we went straight to the grandmother's house I fortunately saw my grandmother, who was ill.   

     Moment we've got home my grandmother's condition had improved even he has been able to go shopping to the market alone glad I heard it when I was until I got up to do with my grandmother who had not met for 1 year.

     After knowing my grandmother conditions getting better I went on vacation to the beach is the beach Pahawang it is located in the south and the coastal area of Lampung was known to be very beautiful.
     When he got me in Pahawang I was struck very white sand blue water no rubbish at all I tried to dive into the sea and the beauty of the sea is fantastic as underwater paradise I'm very happy to be on vacation in Pahawang.
     It's all from me Wassalaamualaikum Wr. Wb.




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